This is the web site for the History Channel. It contains information on all of the subjects we will study in American History.
The PBS web site is an excellent source for information about many historical subjects.
This site contains the journals of Christopher Columbus. Don't give yourself a headache; browse over his words to catch the ways he justifies all of his actions and portrays himself to be a heroic person. You can defend him or try to convict him with this material.
This site contains facts about Christopher Columbus.
This site contains twenty-five interesting facts about Christopher Columbus. This site and all of the other sites are useful in whatever role you play in Cortez (and Columbus) on Trial.
This site holds letters written by Hernan Cortes about what he saw in the New World. Cortes discusses many subjects related to his adventures. You can use this material for whatever role you play in Cortes on Trial. If you play Cortes, the material is especially useful. If you play a defense attorney the material will help you portray Cortes in a positive way. If you are prosecution attorney there is material that you might helpful in trying to convict Cortes.
On this site you will find one letter written by Hernan Cortes to Emperor Charles V. This site is a simpler way to become familiar with Cortes than going through the exhaustive (and exhausting?) site above. But if you play Cortes, you may want to start here and then move up to the other site.
This site contains facts about the life and activities of Hernan Cortes. The information is very useful for any role you might play in Cortes on Trial.
Here are more facts about Hernan Cortes. As you read site or the other sites, notice that the information provided can be taken in a positive way or a negative way. If you are a Spanish Conquistador Cortes is a heroic figure. If you are An Aztec or a Mayan Cortes your feelings about Cortes may be very negative.
This site discusses Columbus and the Arawak Native Americans. It also discusses Conquistadors, colonization, and many other topics of interest.
This page discusses the Maya people and their experience with Cortes. Aztecs are also discussed on this page.
This site deals with the subject of the conquistadors in the New World.
This site provides a great deal of information about the colonies and the colonial era.